Copyright MMXII - MMXXIV
Everyone wants to have what they don‘t have
Not afraid to do everything to reach that goal
We live in a society of ME-ism
Instead of being with nature‘s gift,
exploring this beautiful and unique Dimension together
We are prisoners of all these external influences
Conditioned to think and feel that we are
nothing more than that material nonsense we possess
Forgotten that we, every single one,
are the creators of this world we perceive
Everything we create artificially to make our lives easier
Turn‘s in anything that is used towards us, our natural BEing
To distract us from our self and fellows
Wake up! Let YOUr truly BEing flow
Start by YOURself, changing YOUR behaviors
by seeing YOUR habits
Begin to behave in the manner
YOU want to
by Yardley Pearson 2018 ©