Copyright MMXII - MMXXV
There have been and still are
Many moments I ask ME-self
Why? What? Who? AM I
On the way, on this path to Self-Awareness
I become finally honest to ME-self
To everyone outside of ME
I become honest to every moment,
to every situation appearing in my life,
honest with every act
Every-thing I am think-ing, say-ing and do-ing
But it goes absolutely in a direction, where
I distract ME from every-thing I beLIEved
I was not able to understand the re-actions coming
towards me from most human beings around me
I was not able to understand that the whole life
is turning in a direction, where my old “ME”
can’t accept the manner every-thing new appears
But then I remember that in my life’s past
I lied at ME-self and others
Only to reach goals in this system
Maybe a better job or anything other
who brings me more acceptance
in this artificial world of perception
I lied to BE one of these sheep
system wanted ME to be
Even I lied to hide any-thing only to have not been
confronted with truth
But finally, I remembered ME-SELF
After forty long years of being an unconscious gear-wheel
I began to realize
I began to observe
I began to ask
About every beLIEve I have
About every Thought
About every Emotion
Whom I thought
About every-thing outside
of ME
About every-thing material
I was clinging to
But this path of BE-ing and meet ME-self
A way of destruction
A way of separation
A way of losing the
old overlay of ME-self
I have lost many so-called “friends”
and others I thought they are family
Even if this path is a lonely one
Full of pain
Full of shakiness
Full of insecurity
I know this path
IS the only true one
for ME-self
by Yardley Pearson 2018 ©